August 30, 2017
Happy Days Part 1!
Happy Days! Part 1
What do you think about on a day-to-day basis? We are the sum total of our own thoughts. The level of happiness we feel on a daily basis is a direct result of the thoughts we think! When we think happy thoughts we feel happier. Here are the first two of four methods to help you have happy days!
S.P.F. Power (Super Positive Focus)
We can get happier when we change our focus to positive. You can be happy even when life seems difficult. Here is the big secret about staying happy and positive on a daily basis. It does not take any super powers. It is simply a clear understanding of the power of focus.
If you focus on the positive, you will have a positive attitude. If you focus on the negative, you will have a negative attitude. When you hear people say they are in a bad mood, it is because they choose to linger in the negative emotions. The physical part of any emotion only lasts thirty seconds or less. Any emotion after thirty seconds comes from hanging on to the emotion.
Nearly all intended behavior, including attitude, is learned and so depends on the cognitive part of our brain. Our prefrontal cortex allows us to access and implement what we need to produce any attitude or behavior we choose. We can choose not to be negative, angry, hurt, stressed, frustrated, grumpy or whatever. It is always our choice. Instead, focus on finding a reason to be happy and feel good by looking for the upside in every situation.
Action Steps – S.P.F. Power:
- Whenever you feel stressed and in the fight or flight zone, breathe deeply and count to ten, slowly for thirty seconds.
- Feel and observe the physical reaction and then let it go.
- Identify three positives in the situation. Even in the most horrific circumstances there are positives.
Mindful Talk Power
Words and thoughts have their own energy, including self-talk. We get happier when we are mindful of our self-talk. The majority of self-talk takes place so quickly and automatically that we don’t even notice we are doing it. Even if you don’t really listen to your chatter, your subconscious mind is listening. The subconscious mind just accepts everything you tell it, and responds accordingly. The average person has 60,000 thoughts per day with 95% of those thoughts being redundant. The bad part is that 80% of those redundant thoughts are negative.
Some examples of negative self-talk are:
- Worry – Fear of “what if”
- Perfectionism – Not good enough or should haves
- Self-Criticism – Comparing yourself to others, with you being the loser
- Self-Doubt – Lack of confidence that you can do or achieve your dreams
- Wallower – You see yourself as a victim of your circumstances and have no control over them, life happens to you, and you have bad luck.
Action Steps – Positive Mindful Talk
- Focus on being a creator of your world
- Avoid comparison distractions
- Identify and do more of what makes you feel happy
- Change what doesn’t make you feel happy
Tune in to Happy Days Part 2 to learn about the power of our choices and actions! Practice S.P.F. and Mindful Talk Power and start raising the level of your happiness today!
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