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January 29, 2019

Building a Brand That Builds Loyalty!

Building a Brand That Builds Loyalty!  Our dental-care will evolve more in the next 20 years than in the previous 50. On the horizon is a bright and exciting future…with the qualifier…that we must be willing to embrace growth and change. This change involves a high-touch, high service, and high care patient experience…not just fixing teeth! It means building a brand that builds loyalty!

There is a buzz of fear in the dental industry. Many dental teams fear they are going to lose their existing patients to new doctors, group practices and corporate dentistry. The truth is patients who are happy with their dental office seldom leave. We lose existing patients only when we haven’t created enough of an experience to build loyalty. There are two exceptions…the patient has relocated…or they only came to your office initially because you were a participating provider of their insurance and are no longer. AND they only, only, only, only…did I say only…care about insurance coverage.

Happy patients as a rule our loyal patients. If we want our patients to be happy it is important to consistently deliver a good experience from the start. Notice I said good not exceptional. The ironic part is the patient’s experience doesn’t have to be exceptional. Patients are happy with consistently good. Consistency reinforces expectations. When the patient’s expectations are being met they are happy and loyal. Consistency builds loyalty and trust…it builds a brand!

A brand is who we are; who we say you are; and what our patients experience consistently. It must be all three. It is in essence our reputation. It’s the 2 or 3 adjectives our patients use to describe our office…friendly, awesome, caring, high-tech, always late, always upsell. What do your patients say about your practice? What is your brand? If you don’t know it is time to find out. People are loyal to brands they like and trust. Is your brand worthy of your patients’ loyalty?

Let me give you an example. I love EVERYTHING about Heinz Ketchup…the color, the texture, how it pours and most important the taste. I can count on Heinz being the same every time. I am loyal to Heinz Ketchup. I would never, ever, ever even consider tasting another ketchup let alone buy it! Regardless of the cost, because I can definitely find cheaper; or the latest and greatest, or even Aunties homemade. Heinz meets my expectations every time so I am totally loyal. I ask you to take a moment and think about the brands you are loyal to and why.

Let’s talk about cost for a moment. Marketing has sold us a bill of goods when it comes to cost. We are told to run ads focused on free or reduced. It’s not the cost that stops people from buying…or we wouldn’t see so many people with iPhone or Samsung phones glued to their ear…you get the picture. Cost is a deterrent when there is lack of value. Are you building a valuable brand?

If you don’t already have a valuable brand or any brand for that matter there is no better time than the present to build one.

Doctors it starts with you clarifying your vision, your why for what you do. What is the reputation you desire? Who are you and who do you want to be at your core? Simplify it by reducing it to 4 core adjectives in order of priority. If it is more than four it will be confusing for your team and your patients and will not create a clear brand. Next involve the team in a team meeting setting. Share with your team the 4 core adjectives that support your vision for your brand. Discuss as a team how you can create a consistent experience reflecting these adjectives with every patient at every visit. What do your patients need to see hear, touch, smell and taste to think, feel and experience the brand. I can’t stress this too much…consistency is key.   If you don’t have consistency you have don’t have a brand. It is necessary to be consistent 5 out of 5 times with every team member, every patient, and every visit. Consistent and congruent with your people, services, amenities, systems/protocols, and transitions. It only takes one less than experience to weaken or diminish your brand and lose patient trust and loyalty.

For example, let’s go back to ketchup! If Heinz came out with a new and improved ketchup and stopped making their original…shuddering thought!

I would give the new and improved impostor one chance. If I didn’t love it…if it didn’t meet ALL my expectations for Heinz I would no longer be loyal.   I would now be open to trying any new ketchup in town!

Build a brand your patient’s value and it won’t matter who comes to town!

January 1, 2019

Service Starts With The TEAM!

Service Starts With The TEAM!
I often find there is a misconception about service. A belief that service starts with the patients and doesn’t really pertain to the team. In other words we must treat our patients exceptional but not so much each other. It’s as if there is an entirely different set of standards for patients than there is for the team pertaining to attitude, behavior and communication. What I refer to as the ABC Standards.  Service starts with the team!
I have the privilege of working with dental teams nationwide to help them create a happier, healthier and higher performing service culture. I witness some team members (including doctors and managers) treating other team members poorly. That same poor behavior towards a patient would be grounds for dismissal.
We make excuses for our behavior. We use labels and say this is just how we are. For example, I am direct, which really means, I say whatever is on my mind without any regard of how I may make you feel. Or I am a non-morning person, which means because I am a non-morning person others should just understand my moodiness.
What confounds me is watching the same direct or non-morning person flip a switch and turn it on for their patients. It is like watching a Jekyll and Hyde transformation. We believe it is acceptable to turn the respect and kindness filters off for each other. After all we wouldn’t want to be fake would we? We also know they will just accept or put up with our poor behavior. We frequently even turn it off for the people we love the most like our family. I find it thought-provoking that we put filters of kindness and respect on for strangers and acquaintances and don’t for the people we care about and love the most. Something seems a little backward with this behavior.
It’s time to put the filters back on and start service with the team. I teach the Golden Standard; treat each other as well or better than you treat your patients. Now that doesn’t mean lessening the standard for patient service.

Creating ABC Standards for how the team will treat each other will help cultivate a service culture that is happier, healthier and higher performing! ABC Standards increase clarity, unity, congruency, level of service, and your business reputation; while preventing the chafing and disagreements from assumptions and opinions of who is right and wrong.
Have a team meeting with the entire team to discuss ABC Standards for your practice. Ask each team member to share what they feel they need from each other to be able to work together better. I find using a big easel pad with markers to write down the responses helps to generate more participation.   Be specific and define what it means in words, actions, body language and tone of voice. Some examples might be:
Be Likable
Give benefit of doubt
Be Honest
Be Compassionate
Be Trustworthy
Have an Ownership Mentality
Be Respectful
Lead by Example
Be Reliable
Be Appreciative
Be Fun
(If you would like to receive a copy of my ABC’s Sample Standards please email me at and write ABC’s Sample in the subject line.)
Create a document titled Team ABC’s Standards Document with the team standards. Print it out, frame it and put it on display wherever one can see it daily. A lunch room or locker room often works well. Your daily huddle is a great opportunity to create accountability. Discuss on a daily basis how they did the previous day as an individual and as a team supporting the standards. Where did they rock it and where can they raise it? The more you discuss your standards on a daily basis the more real and alive they become.
It is crucial that the ABC Standards are adhered to by the Leadership Team. The team will look to leadership and mimic their behaviors. Never create something you are not comfortable supporting. Everything starts and stops with leadership. It’s time to model the waddle to a happier, healthier and higher performing team culture!