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December 2, 2019

It’s Time to Celebrate!

December is the perfect time to remember to celebrate our gifts.  I am not referring to the gifts under the tree.  It’s time to celebrate all the things already in our life.  The more we celebrate the more joy we will feel.  We truly get happier when we celebrate life every day. There is a power in celebration. Celebration lifts our spirits and empowers us to instantly feel happier.  Celebrate even in the little things in life instead of taking them for granted.

Our health is a big gift!  Many of us go through each day without even thinking about our health let alone feeling grateful.  We focus on and complain about the little aches and pains.  It isn’t until we really get sick or injured that we truly appreciate our health.  The moment you wake in the morning give thanks and praise that you woke up.  Live each day celebrating the gifts of health and life!

Our work is a gift that gives us purpose.  Instead of seeing it as a gift, we may get lost in the muck of the mundane.  Work becomes something to survive until the weekend.  It isn’t until the normal days and simple activities are taken away, that we change our outlook.  Celebrate the blessings in your work every day!

Our family and friends and colleagues (including the furry ones) are gifts that are often taken for granted.  We act as if they will always be with us.  We take the filters off and treat them disrespectful or unkind.  Don’t miss a moment to show your people and pets how much you love them and appreciate them.  Celebrate the gift of them being in your life!

We have been given so many gifts.  What would you miss if it was no longer?  Whatever it is, stop and take a moment to give thanks and praise.  Whatever you would miss is a gift.  Get in the habit of celebrating all the gifts in your life.  Making a list of our gifts is the perfect way to celebrate the holiday season. Take a moment to start and end your day celebrating what you are grateful for each day.

 “Everything is here until it’s not… celebrate every second!” ~ Judy Kay Mausolf

Let’s take a moment and practice celebrating by doing a TA-DAH together! On the count of three, I want you to smile, throw your arms into the air and shout with passion in your loudest voice… “TA-DAH!”

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