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October 2, 2012

Learn How to Create a W.O.W. Patient Experience!

I am thrilled and honored to be the first presenter in “MDE’s Master Webinar Series”! Elevate your game and learn from dental industry experts by attending MDE’s FREE Master Webinar Series! Learn best practices in empowering your team and increasing the profitability of your practice. Please join MDE for monthly webinars given by industry experts, top authors and thought leaders on the latest news and advice on how to improve your team and practice! Please join MDE and me for the first in their series of Profitable Practices Webinars! People Will Forget Everything…Except How You Made Them Feel People will forget everything except how you made them feel! “I’m satisfied” means nothing in today’s world. Learn how to consistently create a W.O.W. patient experience and ultimately grow the practice. W.O.W. is an acronym for Weed Out the Weeds…we worry so much about implementing all the latest and greatest and fail to see the weeds growing in our practice. Judy Kay will help your team replace the weeds with exceptional patient service and R.I.S.E. to the top! Set yourself apart from your colleagues and be the office patients can’t stop saying W.O.W. about! Wednesday, October 24th 1:00 P.M. EST For more information and to register, please click HERE.

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