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November 1, 2014

Fear of the Unknown!

Fear of the Unknown!

Fear often paralyzes and sometimes even stops us from living a happier life. Yet fear is really only a negative prediction of the future and not reality. The fear I am going to address today is the fear of the unknown. Many of us choose to stay right where we are at because we feel safer when we know what to expect. Even if it is a negative, toxic or even a dangerous relationship or environment! For example, staying in a work environment that you dread going to everyday or choosing to keep a negative or toxic employee. Or worst case scenario staying in an abusive or dangerous relationship. I have found more often than not that the times where life my life seemed difficult or scary were actually just what I needed to push me to live a happier and juicier life!

This month is dedicated to overcoming the fear of the unknown!


My Orange Fish Fable!

Every spring my awesome hubby Steve meticulously sets up our pond in our back yard with a fountain! We call it our fountain pond! It takes two full days to complete but it is well worth it. LOL, that is easy for me to say as I am not the one doing the work. The second day includes a trip to Terra Garden Shop to purchase water Lilly’s and other aquatic plants…followed by a visit to the local Pet Smart Store to purchase 25 to 30 assorted colors of goldfish! Of course the majority are bright orange!!! I think they really should be called orange fish as they are not gold they are really orange and orange is a much happier color! So being as it is my article I will refer to them as orange fish!

They live a happy life all summer long swimming, eating and growing in their fountain pond! They have even found the perfect places to hide when they feel threatened by raccoons, birds and the occasional otter! Their pond is a sanctuary of underwater crevices between the rocks! I can imagine them paddling around thinking life is good!


Ahhh…but here comes the unknown! Time to cue the scary music….

We live in MN where any ponds that aren’t very deep freeze solid during the winter. Every fall we need to either rescue the orange fish from freezing or it will mean imminent death. We take them to the lake across the street that doesn’t freeze so they can live and flourish! Of course they don’t know this! This is their unknown! All they see is a woman (me) with a big net chasing them around in their pond! LOL, I have one responsibility when it come to our fountain pond…catch the fish in the fall! I am the net lady! These poor little orange fish fear for their lives because they don’t understand that I am really trying to save them and give them a better and longer life. So out of fear of the unknown they hide in their safe sanctuary! What they don’t realize is that what they believe is their salvation will actually lead to their demise!

I thought this was a great analogy for human life! We can’t see what’s over the hill or around the bend or in our future so we are afraid to step forward! We would rather stay where we believe we are safe because we fear the unknown. Yet the fear we feel is only a negative prediction of the future…it’s not reality. Whereas the situation we are currently living in is reality and in some cases a very dangerous reality. But we stay right where we are at and pretend, avoid and hide from things with excuses (excuses are human crevices) to feel safe!

Action Steps:

  • Come from a mindset of positive expectation instead of fear.
  • When things seem difficult see it as an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Let it go! Seriously, let it go!
  • Decide on your next step.
  • Listen to your gut instead of other people.
  • If feels scary but exciting go for it…if it feels heavy walk away.
  • Take the next step no matter how scary…you will be happy you did!

There really is a bigger pond waiting for all of us! We in essence all live in our own little pond where we feel comfortable and safe because we think we know what we can expect in life…or so we think…that is until the net lady comes our way! The universe is our net lady trying to provide us with ample opportunities to live a happier, healthier and higher performing life!  Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from swimming in a bigger pond!!!

Contact Judy Kay today if you would like to learn more about how she can help your team WORK together to build a happy healthy and high performing culture!

May 1, 2014

Gossip – The Poison Triangle of Mistrust!

The Poison Triangle of Mistrust is toxic and can destroy the team and the practice culture!  What is The Poison Triangle of Mistrust?  In simple terms it is gossip. I refer to it as The Poison Triangle of Mistrust because it often involves two people talking negatively about a third person behind their back.  When the third person learns about it they no longer trust the two people involved.

This month is dedicated to learning how to create a culture that no longer tolerates Gossip – The Poison Triangle of Mistrust. 

I often hear the following statements regarding gossip:  It’s a woman thing, women just have to gossip, it’s really not a big deal because everybody does it, and you can’t stop it even if you try.

Gossip is not just a woman thing…men do it to they just call it something else.  It is a big deal and you can stop it if you are serious about having a no gossip office culture.  The reality is that gossip will continue to exist in our dental practices as long as we allow it to exist.  If we truly comprehended the negative impact from gossip it would no longer be tolerated.

 Gossip affects:

  • Trust
  • Communication
  • Team Performance
  • Morale
  • Patient Experience
  • Bottom Line

That’s just to name a few.  Gossip is not fluff stuff.  It is really big stuff!  Why would we continue to allow anything this poison to be a part of our culture?

Isn’t it time to add No-Gossip Culture to our Communication Standards?  You can read more about implementing Communication Standards in April’s Newsletter on Drama.

I teach my clients the 5 following steps to create a No-Gossip Culture and end The Poison Triangle of Mistrust!

Step One – Start with a team meeting with the entire team including the doctors.  Share with the team the impact gossip has on the team and the practice and that in the future it will no longer be tolerated.  Ask everyone individually to verbally agree to support a No-Gossip Culture in the practice.  For example, I agree to support a No-Gossip Culture.  Once they verbally agree they can’t say I didn’t agree.  I just didn’t say anything.

Step Two – Define what gossip means in your practice.   I define gossip as anything that is negative or private about another person that they do not want others to know.  As a team agree on a word or phrase to use if someone starts to gossip about another team member to them.  It could be something as simple as peace (as in keep the peace), please take it to the source, please stop, or remember we said we weren’t going to gossip anymore.   It doesn’t really matter what word(s) you use.  What is important is that everyone knows what it is and agrees to use that specific word or phrase.

Step Three – Establish consequences for gossip.  I suggest the same consequences as any other behavior that sabotages instead of supports the standards of the practice.  Establish consequences that you know you will be willing to carry out.  It is very important that the entire team understand what the consequences will be for gossip.  If you would like to receive a complimentary copy of my white pages on consequences please email me at

Step Four – It’s time to actually stop the gossip.  This will take doing a few times before it becomes more comfortable.  FYI if you are on the receiving end of gossip you are just as responsible as the initiator. You play 50-50 role because if they have no one to tell the gossip stops. If a team member starts to gossip to you or you over hear two people gossiping about another team member say the word or phrase.  Please be mindful of your tone of voice and attitude.  Always speak from a place of care and concern not judgment and criticism.  If they continue to gossip remind them once more by saying remember we agreed as a team we would not gossip about each other.  Old habits die hard and we want to be supportive and help each other to stop the gossip.  If they are gossiping to you and they refuse to stop physically remove yourself from the conversation.  If they continue to gossip to another team member inform them that if they do not stop you will inform the doctor or manager (whoever handles conflict resolution in the practice).

Step Five – The doctor or manager holds the team member accountable by following through with the consequences.  It is important the entire team understands the consequences for participating in gossiping.  Yes you can terminate a team member for participating in gossiping.  It is very important to make it crystal clear what the consequences are for gossip and include as a part of your written communication standards.  Following through with consequences is where the line is drawn in the sand.  It will determine whether you succeed or fail at creating a No-Gossip Culture.  Gossip is really big stuff!  It affects trust, communication, team performance, morale, patient experience and your bottom line.  Isn’t it time to create a No-Gossip Culture and end The Poison Triangle of Mistrust?

 Contact Judy Kay today if you would like to learn more about how she can help you end The Poison Triangle of Mistrust in your practice!

April 1, 2014

Drama, Drama, Drama!

Drama has become a just a normal part of the day for many dental teams.  The dictionary defines drama as a situation or sequence of events that is highly emotional, tragic, or turbulent.  Drama starts to unfold when there is a difference of expectations or opinion on who, what, when, where, how or why something should be done.  It escalates when there are no clear standards in the practice on how to address these differences. 

This month’s newsletter is dedicated to setting Communication Standards to derail the drama in your practice. 

I often ask my audiences for a show of hands if they have established standards for communication for their practice.  A total of two people was the most I have ever had raise their hand.  We set ourselves up for communication failure when we don’t establish standards. Here is why.  We all come from such different backgrounds with unique and individual experiences.  Therefore, are expectations on what is appropriate and what is not is skewed by our personal experiences.  Our personal experience create our personal truths.  How we view and judge the world on what is right or wrong.  

We expect each other to think, act and respond the same. These false expectations get us into trouble when we think; others must behave in the same manner as we do or their behavior is wrong or another person’s behavior must mean the same as if we did that same behavior…and haven’t we all had an encounter with a brother, sister, parent, child, or spouse where there was disagreement because of a difference of opinion. These are all examples of expectations based on our personal truths.  Personal truths are why communication fails and drama starts to unfold.  We can derail the drama by establishing clear communication standards.  Communication Standards will eliminate the drama of who is right or wrong and clarify the standards for the practice.  Everyone on the team will have the same expectations.   

It is important to create Communication Standards that are specific to your team.  I would suggest to start by having a team meeting and ask for participation from the entire team.  How do they want to communicate in their work environment?  What do they feel they need from their co-workers to feel safe and comfortable communicating?  The following video is an interview with Kevin Henry in 2011 talking about my session on Drama at the AADOM Conference in Nashville.

Here are some examples of Communications Standards!


•           Listen

•           No Judgment of Criticism

•           Have a Thicker Skin – Be Approachable

•           Believe in Positive Intent – Give Benefit of a Doubt

•           Avoid Sarcasm

•           Be Respectful

•           Support a No Gossip Culture

•           Positive Tone & Body Language

•           Be Open Minded

•           No Buts

•           Be Understanding

•           Time & Space Appropriate – Avoid Fly Bys

•           Ask Don’t Assume

•           Address Issues Concerning Patients & Practice Not Personal

It is important to go deep enough to clarify what each standard means in words and actions.

For example, Have a Thicker Skin – Be Approachable; could mean:

•           We are open to listen to what others have to say.

•           We are willing to talk about even difficult issues as long as it pertains to the patients and the practice. 

•           We don’t act hurt or say that hurt my feelings to stop the conversation from happening.  

 Establishing Communication Standards with your team will help you derail the drama and create a happy, healthy and high performing office culture! 

Contact Judy Kay today if you would like to learn more about how she can help you derail the drama and raise the level of communication in your practice!

March 1, 2014

The Power of Affirmations!

Affirmations are powerful!  They can either set us up to succeed or to fail.  Yet very few of us consistently practice positive affirmations.  The dictionary defines affirmation as: 

  • The act or an instance of affirming; state of being affirmed
  • The assertion that something exists or is true
  • Something that is affirmed; a statement or proposition that is declared to be true. 

This month is dedicated to learning how to practice daily positive affirmations to drive our future happiness and success!    

Affirmations are like planting seeds in the ground. It takes time to go from a seed to a mature plant.  It takes consistency and time from the first declaration to the final demonstration.  You can’t just say something positive once and expect it to appear.  



Here are five steps to help you succeed at practicing daily positive affirmations and live a life you choose!

Step One – Just get over yourself!  We are so afraid we may look silly or weird if we say positive things out loud to our self.   So what if someone hears us.  We are all weird.  LOL, for me it is normal to talk to myself…as I often work alone.  The key is making sure that the conversations are always positive.   

Step Two – Start your day by defining how you want to feel or be today.  Choose words or a phrase to describe that feeling or state of being.  It could be words like happy, successful, healthy or awesome!  When I am about ready to present I think of how I want to be with my audience.  I practice words like connecting, loving, authentic and present.  Stand in front of a mirror and make eye contact with yourself. Okay, I know this seems a little weird…but it’s a good weird!  It is important to say it loud as if it already exists.  I am…  It must be I am not I want.  It is more powerful when said out loud and your mind believes it already exists because you stated I am.  For example, I am happy, I am awesome, I am going to make positive things happen today, I love my life, I love what I get to do, I am going to make good decisions today,  I like how I look today, I am going to rock it today, I am going to have an awesome day!  You can say as many things as you want.  There is no limit to positive self-talk!  

Step Three – Say it with conviction and attitude!  Just like little Jessica in the video above.  Think about the level of happiness and success you want to attract. The more energy and emotion you put into it the more you attract!  It’s the Law of Attraction in action.  Like seeks like based on the frequency of energy emitted! 

Step Four – Replay the same message over and over throughout your day.  Ask yourself; do my words and actions support those feelings or state of being.  Reset if necessary to align your words, actions and state of being.  Replaying and resetting will enable you to overcome the negative noise distractions from the world and instead focus on what you want.  

Step Five – End your day by saying out loud how you felt or state of being for the day.  I was happy today.  I was awesome today!  I made a difference today!  I made others smile today.  I helped someone today!  I changed someone’s life today by giving them a new smile!   

Contact Judy Kay today if you would like to learn more about how she can help you become a better leader, get your team to work together better and create an office culture you can’t wait to go to every day.

June 1, 2013

Code of Conduct

Even the best of us can lose our way in all the noise and hubbub of the day to day stresses! Establishing a Code of Conduct for the practice will help the entire team keep on track…even in stressful situations!

A Code of Conduct is really about thinking before reacting. Behaviorally, that means testing decisions and planned activities for “rightness” before implementing them.

Here are 6 questions to help you create your own code of conduct:

  • Is it legal?
  • Does it align with my values?
  • Will I be comfortable and guilt-free if I do it?
  • Would I do it to my family and friends?
  • Would I perfectly okay with someone doing it to me?
  • Would the most ethical person I know do it?

I suggest a team meeting (3 hours minimal) to establish a Code of Conduct for the practice.  Start the meeting by reviewing the Practice’s Core Values and Vision.  Ask the entire team to share how, when and where they feel the Core Values are not being supported.  Utilize a large easel pad and markers to write down all the concerns being shared.  Discuss the breakdowns that are happening.  What current behaviors support the Core Values?  What current behaviors need changing to support the Core Values?  The behaviors you list that support as well as the necessary changes become your new Code of Conduct!

It is very important for the We Team (leadership team) to be willing to lead by example on whatever is established as the Code of Conduct.

Here are an examples of commitments from a Code of Conduct.

  • Model the waddle you want to see
  • Set and maintain high standards – no double standards
  • Support a no gossip culture
  • Communicate openly, honestly, and respectfully
  • Treat patients and each other how you want to be      treated
  • Resolve conflict by going to the source the same day if      possible
  • Take ownership, follow through, and be accountable for      your mistakes
  • Support each other and hold each other accountable to      the standards of behavior, communication, attitude and service

Having a Code of Conduct will empower the entire team to support the Core Values!

January 22, 2013

Mastering Accountability by Eliminating the Myths in Your Dental Practice!

Accountability…just saying the word can give us the UGH feeling! As dental professionals, we strive for accountability and often have a difficult time achieving it. It becomes tiresome and frustrating for us, so we give up! Actually, it is the myths about accountability that cause our frustration and set us up for failure. If we really understood what it took to create accountability, we could prevent the frustration and persevere. I invite you to read my latest article in Dentistry IQ, “Mastering Accountability by Eliminating the Myths in Your Dental Practice” to learn you can avoid frustration and master accountability!

 Please click on this link!

January 1, 2013

Ownership Mentality

We may want to blame our life results on our circumstances or other people.  The truth is that our results are OUR RESULTS!  We OWN them…because what we believe determines our actions and our action or inaction generates our outcome or results!  Adopting an ownership mentality for our results will compel us to see more clearly.   When we see clearly we see what can be done to change our outcome!  Learn how to adopt an ownership mentality and get the results you want to own!

December 1, 2012

Finding Joy!

Learn how to have Clarity, Simplicity and Joy in your Holiday Season; Chuck it, Change it, Rearrange it or Delegate it!

October 31, 2012

An Interview with Kevin Henry, Editor of Dental Economics!

Judy Kay discussing how to get rid of drama in the office with Kevin Henry, Editor of Dental Economics! 

October 25, 2012

Our Physiology Impact Our Psychology!

We can reset negative thoughts and feelings when we do something physical!  Our physiology impacts our psychology!  When we change how we feel we change the words we tell ourselves which changes our story and our destiny!  Learn how to reset and R.I.S.E. to success!

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