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January 1, 2016

HAPPY New Year! 5 Habits to a Happier Life!

HAPPY New Year! 5 Habits to a Happier Life!

January 2016

It’s that time of year when we wish each other a Happy New Year! I love learning about what helps us succeed at being happy and the effects is has on our life. This month is dedicated to learning 5 habits to help us live a happier life!

The first habit is to practice staying present in the moment. Yesterday is over and gone and tomorrow is just a prediction of the future. Stop dwelling on the past. Our past does not define our future. Instead we can learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others and move on. Stop worrying about the future. Instead have a plan than let it go and get back to the present moment. Be mindful and savor the present moment.

The second habit is to practice focusing on the positive instead of the negative in life. Look for three potential positives in any situation or any person. When you find yourself sliding to the negative ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are three potential positives?
  • What lessons can I learn from this?
  • What changes can I make to make it more positive?

The third habit is to practice showing gratitude daily. When we focus on what we already have in life and give thanks and praise we feel grateful. The more grateful we feel the happier we feel and the happier we feel the more we have to give thanks and praise. It is a very fulfilling cycle of positive circulation.

The fourth habit is to practice using our signature strengths. A signature strength is a moral trait that is innate to us that we know we kick butt at! Some examples of signature strengths are: curiosity, love of learning, perseverance, ingenuity, kindness, hope, forgiveness, social intelligence, team player, loving, humor, appreciation or gratitude. When we use our signature strength we are filled with a sense of joy and well-being. We are in the flow of life. Have you ever felt like pumping your fist and shouting to the world…YES…this is what I am meant to do! Chances are you were utilizing one or several of your signature strengths for the greater good.

The fifth habit is to practice recrafting. Recrafting is taking something and remaking it into something better. We can Recraft a job we do just for a paycheck into a Calling that engages our signature strengths and serves the greater good! We have a choice about what work we do, and about how we go about doing our work. A dentist who views the work as a job and is simply interested in making a good income does not have a Calling. A garbage collector who sees his work as making the world a cleaner and healthier place could have a Calling. The key is not finding the right job, it is finding a job we can make right through recrafting and engaging our signature strengths.

We can achieve a happier life when we practice being present, focus on the positive, show gratitude and live our signature strengths every day in our work and our play for the greater good of all!  The choice is always ours!

December 1, 2015

5 Core Culture Characteristics that Nurture Change!

December 2015

5 Core Culture Characteristics that Nurture Change!

You may have heard the quote; “The only thing that is constant is change!” It is true, change is inevitable but not always positive or successful! The reality is that some work cultures support positive and successful change, while other cultures sabotage change. There are many factors involved, such as team workload, other current changes in progress, team beliefs about change, clear communication about the change, benefits of the change, appropriate training, coaching and support provided during the change, etc.

I help dental teams nationwide successfully embrace change. This month is dedicated to learning how to create a culture where change can be a more positive, successful and sustainable experience!



Change requires us to have courage to face our fear of the unpredictable unknown! Regardless of how dysfunctional, unhappy, unproductive or toxic the current culture may be it often feels safer to keep the status quo. The known almost always feels safer than the unknown. That is why the value of the change must be clear to those expected to make the change. It is important for the value and benefits of change to rate an 8 or above on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being high. Otherwise, the chance for the change to be sustained is limited.

After working with dental teams for many years I have found 5 consistent characteristics in the cultures that support positive and successful change.

  • Trust in leadership
  • Clear and consistent direction
  • Structured plan
  • Adequate training and practice time
  • Realistic workload

The number one core characteristic that supports change is trust in the leadership. If the team members trust their leader(s) they will be more willing to step into the unpredictable unknown. Leaders can build trust by embodying the following traits:

  • Model the waddle is the number one leadership principle – in other words lead by example
  • Have a clear and consistent direction
  • Be transparent and keep the team in the loop as much as possible
  • Be open to suggestions and feedback
  • Address any obstacles, fears or concerns the team may have

The second core characteristic is to communicate a clear and consistent direction. It is important to use a decision strategy to avoid emotion driven decisions in the heat of the moment. I teach the following four strategic steps:

  • What’s in the best interests of the patients, practice and the team – not any individual and long term
    • Think about 10 months and 10 years instead of next 10 minutes or 10 days
  • What is practical and realistic based on time, people and money currently available
  • What is the precedence being set – if we can’t do it across the board for everyone on the team it will feel like favoritism and divide the team
  • What is the level of passion which we are willing to support the decision – will we support it when push comes to shove even if it may result in losing an employee or a patient

Set your team up to succeed by delegating the change clearly and concisely. I suggest the following delegation process:

  • Clarify expectations
  • Ask questions to make sure everyone understands
  • Write objective down in bullet points if more than a couple of things
  • Set expectation of completion time and date
  • Under promise and over deliver
  • For more involved longer tasks schedule a check in

The third core characteristic is for leadership to work with the team to develop a well-structured plan. If you want the team to embrace a change ask for their suggestions and feedback on how to implement the change. If you want the team to have ownership give them authorship as well. A well-structured plan is well thought out and clearly defined. I teach teams the R.I.S.E. Implementation Process to help them work together to create a well-structured plan. R.I.S.E. is an acronym for Review, Implement, Sustain and Evaluate.

  • Review
    • What is it we are currently doing
    • WIIFTT – What’s in it for the team if we make the change
      • It is important for the value/benefits to rate an 8 or above on scale of 1 to 10 or it is difficult to sustain
  • Implement
    • What are we going to change
    • Who is going to do it
    • Who are we going to do it for
    • When are we going to do it – including time, sequence and flow
    • Where are we going do it – very specific location
    • Why are we going to do it – WIIFTT if we make the change – there must always be something in it for the team for the team to sustain the change
    • How are we going do it
      • Practice verbal skills
      • Practice role playing – yes I know it’s weird but it’s effective
      • Practice the entire physical walk through – never test it out for the first time on a patient
    • Create standard operating procedures
    • Schedule the roll out date
  • Sustain
    • In order to sustain it is important for the new change to become a habit
    • It takes a range of anywhere between 17 to 257 days to form a habit depending on the difficulty with the average being 66 days
      • Give any new change at least 60 days to get comfortable before considering any changes
    • Be precise and consistent to make the change become a habit much sooner
      • Same sequence and steps for every team member every time
    • Support the change positively in words, actions and attitude
  • Evaluate
    • Is the process still working effectively
    • If not what is the value and benefits in a change
    • Any change takes ongoing tweaking

The fourth core characteristic is to schedule appropriate and adequate training and practice time. I have found that the most positive and successful changes happen when the team has time to train and practice.

Team meetings are the perfect opportunity for training and practice time. Utilize your team meetings to:

  • Update systems/protocols
  • Implement new ideas
  • Monitor yearly goals
  • Practice, practice, practice
    • Verbal skills, role playing and physical walk through

Team meetings are more effective when you:

  • Schedule often enough
  • Schedule time enough
  • Schedule when most can attend
  • Get feedback from the entire team
    • Encourage solution focused suggestions on how to overcome potential obstacles

The fifth core characteristic is to be realistic with the workload. It will be very difficult to get the team excited about embracing something new if they are already swamped and consistently running behind. It is important to evaluate whether there is enough time, money and people to implement the change successfully. Even the most committed employees will become resistant to change if they are consistently overwhelmed.

Embodying these 5 core characteristics will nurture a culture where change becomes a more positive, successful and sustainable experience.

August 1, 2015

How You Make Them Feel!

August 2015

How You Make Them Feel!

Many of us believe it is our level of skill and knowledge that determines our success! When the truth is that there are many highly skilled and knowledgeable people that struggle to succeed. There is an abundance of skill and knowledge available in our society today. In fact we may often feel inundated with too much information! How many product, service or training emails did receive just today and deleted without even opening? Yet most of us will open an email from someone that we like and trust regardless of the topic.

Many of us continue to be customers of certain establishments because we value the relationships we have developed even when other establishments might be better or less expensive. We continue to do business with them because of how they make us feel (trusted, respected, and cared for).   Same goes for our patients. They will decide whether they will continue to do business with us based on how we make them feel!  This message is dedicated to learning how to reach greater success by focusing on improving how you make others feel.



I recently presented a course titled, Delivering W.O.W. Service: People Will Forget Everything Except How You Make Them Feel, at the PNDC (Pacific Northwest Dental Conference) in Bellevue, Washington. Scott, the camera man who was taking photos of the event happened to be a patient of one of the dentists attending my session. Because my course was about service, brand and loyalty I teasingly asked Scott how he felt about his dentist. Scott’s response was, “He’s awesome!” He shared the following reasons when I asked him why he felt his dentist was awesome.

  • My dentist takes time with me
  • He asks me questions about me and my family
  • He listens to me
  • Everyone on his team is really nice
  • I think he is a good dentist

Notice it wasn’t until the 5th reason that anything pertaining to skill or knowledge was mentioned. The prior four were all about the relationship he had with his dentist and how it made him feel.

Zig Ziglar was spot on when he said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!”

We focus too much of our time, energy and resources on defining who we are and what we can do…instead of focusing on what’s important to our patients and how we make them feel! For example, we create an impressive treatment presentation for our patient. First of all why is it a presentation and not a conversation? Why not a two way conversation where we can make a human connection and find out about what matters to them versus giving them a clinical presentation. It really doesn’t matter how good we are and how awesome we can make their teeth look and function if they don’t trust us and value our treatment suggestions.

Our level of success is a result of the relationships we have built with others whether it be with an employee, co-worker, patient, neighbor, friend or family! How we make them feel determines the strength of that relationship.  Here are a couple of my personal examples of how a strong relationship can trump everything else when it comes to building customer loyalty.

I have had been with the same cell phone company since I purchased my first cell phone in 1992. Yes that was back in the days when the phones were hardwired into the car and were the size of a shoebox. The company has changed names several times and is now T-Mobile. I stay with them because of how their people treat me as a longtime customer.

I have also continued to do business with Tricia Fairchild, my accountant and Mike McHugh my State Farm insurance agent since the early 90s. Why…because I value the relationships we have developed for the same reasons Scott the camera man shared. They take time with me, they ask me questions about me and my family, they listen to me, everyone on their team is nice and I think they are good at what they do. My long term loyalty has nothing to do with them being the absolute best, smartest or cheapest and everything to do with the relationship we have developed over the years. I feel like they know me and care about me as a person as well as my success.

I ask you to take a moment and think about who you have done business with for a period of time? How do they make you feel? Why do you choose to stay loyal to them?  Anytime you interact with others, if focus on how you make them feel you will build a much quicker and stronger relationship.  Our success in life is truly dependent on the relationships we build by how we make others feel when they are around us!

Choose to impact everyone you meet in a positive manner regardless of their behavior or situation. Choose to Smile & Shine and focus on how you make them feel AND you will live a happier and more successful life!

Smile & Shine bands are available on my website at


April 1, 2015

Behavior versus Personality Trait

April 2015

Behavior versus Personality Trait!

I have the privilege of helping dental teams nationwide communicate and work together better, become better leaders and deliver service with more passion and fun! A big part of the process is to shed light on the obstacles that get in their way. One of the biggest obstacles people struggle with is the belief that their behavior is their personality…AND they can’t change their personality…it is just who they are!   Therefore, they cannot change!

The dictionary defines personality as the sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an individual. Whereas behavior is defined as the aggregate of responses to internal and external stimuli.

Our personality is who we are but does not have to determine our behavior.   Our behavior is a response to what is happening and we can always choose our response.   Once we understand this we are no longer limited by our personality traits.

I was working with a scheduling coordinator, I will refer to as Fran (her name has been changed) who did not exude warm fuzzys to the patients. The doctor and manager wanted a warm and welcoming scheduling coordinator. My first step was to confirm with Fran whether she wanted to be a friendly scheduling coordinator. She said “I do…but how I greet people and answer the phone is just who I am. I can’t be fake!” I reassured her that I did not want her to be fake but instead come from a place of genuine care and warmth. I asked her to think about something or someone she loved. She took a moment and said, “oooohhhh I love my dog!” As she said it her eyes sparkled and she smiled wide. In that moment she was actually beaming warm fuzzys! I said, “That’s it! That’s the energy and emotion that we are looking for!” Fran said, “But I don’t feel that way about the patients. Most of the patients aren’t very friendly to me! I only feel this way about my dog! My dog loves me! AND even if I wanted to I still can’t change my personality! I am not going to be all miss sunshine, rainbows and kittens! It’s just not me!” I told her I didn’t expect her to change her personality to be sunshine, rainbows and kittens. I was just asking her to change her behavior in how she treated the patients. The awesome thing was it was not even a new behavior she had to learn. She had already displayed it talking about her dog. All she had to do was replicate those same behaviors with the patients.

We taped a little picture of her dog where she could quickly glance at it to help her genuinely smile before answering the phone or greeting a patient. Fran was able to make the change once she understood smiling and greeting patients warmly was a learnable behavior not a set personality trait. Funny thing is that when I checked in with her to see how she was doing…she shared that the patients seemed to be a whole lot friendlier to her lately! Hmmm might have something to do with the energy she now radiates! Just saying…it’s the Law of Attraction in action!

Often times we get so wrapped up defending who we are we don’t realize it is our behavior that is in question and not our personality. The next time you are asked to make a change instead of going into defense mode and responding, “I can’t change this is just who I am,” ask yourself the following questions:


  • Where have I demonstrated the desired behavior?
  • How can I replicate this behavior in this situation?


Once we understand that our behavior is just a response which we can choose to change at any time AND not our personality…We are open to create limitless success!

Contact Judy Kay today if you would like to learn how she can help you build a cohesive team that support each other and the practice, become better leaders, and deliver service with more passion and fun!

November 1, 2014

Fear of the Unknown!

Fear of the Unknown!

Fear often paralyzes and sometimes even stops us from living a happier life. Yet fear is really only a negative prediction of the future and not reality. The fear I am going to address today is the fear of the unknown. Many of us choose to stay right where we are at because we feel safer when we know what to expect. Even if it is a negative, toxic or even a dangerous relationship or environment! For example, staying in a work environment that you dread going to everyday or choosing to keep a negative or toxic employee. Or worst case scenario staying in an abusive or dangerous relationship. I have found more often than not that the times where life my life seemed difficult or scary were actually just what I needed to push me to live a happier and juicier life!

This month is dedicated to overcoming the fear of the unknown!


My Orange Fish Fable!

Every spring my awesome hubby Steve meticulously sets up our pond in our back yard with a fountain! We call it our fountain pond! It takes two full days to complete but it is well worth it. LOL, that is easy for me to say as I am not the one doing the work. The second day includes a trip to Terra Garden Shop to purchase water Lilly’s and other aquatic plants…followed by a visit to the local Pet Smart Store to purchase 25 to 30 assorted colors of goldfish! Of course the majority are bright orange!!! I think they really should be called orange fish as they are not gold they are really orange and orange is a much happier color! So being as it is my article I will refer to them as orange fish!

They live a happy life all summer long swimming, eating and growing in their fountain pond! They have even found the perfect places to hide when they feel threatened by raccoons, birds and the occasional otter! Their pond is a sanctuary of underwater crevices between the rocks! I can imagine them paddling around thinking life is good!


Ahhh…but here comes the unknown! Time to cue the scary music….

We live in MN where any ponds that aren’t very deep freeze solid during the winter. Every fall we need to either rescue the orange fish from freezing or it will mean imminent death. We take them to the lake across the street that doesn’t freeze so they can live and flourish! Of course they don’t know this! This is their unknown! All they see is a woman (me) with a big net chasing them around in their pond! LOL, I have one responsibility when it come to our fountain pond…catch the fish in the fall! I am the net lady! These poor little orange fish fear for their lives because they don’t understand that I am really trying to save them and give them a better and longer life. So out of fear of the unknown they hide in their safe sanctuary! What they don’t realize is that what they believe is their salvation will actually lead to their demise!

I thought this was a great analogy for human life! We can’t see what’s over the hill or around the bend or in our future so we are afraid to step forward! We would rather stay where we believe we are safe because we fear the unknown. Yet the fear we feel is only a negative prediction of the future…it’s not reality. Whereas the situation we are currently living in is reality and in some cases a very dangerous reality. But we stay right where we are at and pretend, avoid and hide from things with excuses (excuses are human crevices) to feel safe!

Action Steps:

  • Come from a mindset of positive expectation instead of fear.
  • When things seem difficult see it as an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Let it go! Seriously, let it go!
  • Decide on your next step.
  • Listen to your gut instead of other people.
  • If feels scary but exciting go for it…if it feels heavy walk away.
  • Take the next step no matter how scary…you will be happy you did!

There really is a bigger pond waiting for all of us! We in essence all live in our own little pond where we feel comfortable and safe because we think we know what we can expect in life…or so we think…that is until the net lady comes our way! The universe is our net lady trying to provide us with ample opportunities to live a happier, healthier and higher performing life!  Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from swimming in a bigger pond!!!

Contact Judy Kay today if you would like to learn more about how she can help your team WORK together to build a happy healthy and high performing culture!

September 1, 2014

Engaging Success! Part III

September 2014

Engaging Success Part III!

This month we will cover the final three strategies to help you get your team engaged and bridge the gap between potential and performance! Just in case you missed the last two newsletters… here are the statistics to support why getting your team engaged is not fluff stuff! It’s how I help teams nationwide create a happy, healthy and high performing culture!

2013 Gallup Polls show 70% of Americans are not engaged at work! Which equals about 2/3rds of the team in an average dental practice. The downfall of not engaging your team:

  •  22% Loss of Profitability
  • 21% Loss of Productivity
  • 45% More Turnover
  • 48% More Team Safety Incidents
  • 37% More Absenteeism
  • 41% More Patient Safety Incidents
  • 41% Less Quality of Care


Open to Opinions

We encourage open communication to allow everyone to voice their opinions pertaining to the patients and the practice.   Doctors, managers and team members are often surprised when a co-worker who never participates starts speaking up at our workshop.  I have often found that when a team member doesn’t speak up it’s because they feel they have been shot down in the past.  They believe their opinion didn’t count so they stopped sharing.  When team members feel their opinion is welcomed and valuable they become more engaged.


Everyone on the team has the right to express their opinion and be heard without being criticized or made to feel stupid.  Instead share constructive feedback with the team member why you feel it may or may not work.  Being open to opinions means we at least consider the idea.  Considering a team member’s input can often lead to better decision-making.  This is because the team members are often the ones directly doing the task, process or service and understand the limitations as well as the possibilities.  When team members feel they are involved in decisions, they take greater ownership for the outcomes.  Ownership is a sign they are engaged!       


Constructive Feedback

We actually schedule feedback time with team members. If we don’t schedule the time chances are it won’t happen. Many offices schedule annual employee performance reviews. Meeting and discussing progress, achievements and goals on an annual basis is not enough to get engagement. How engaged or involved would you be in a relationship where you only had a deeper conversation once a year?

What works well is a quick (5 to 10 minute) monthly or quarterly Checkup with the manager or doctor touching base on their progress, achievements and goals. Questions to ask are:

  • What where your goals for this period?
  • What accomplishments would you like to celebrate?
  • What are your goals or projects for the next period?
  • How can I best support you?

We also establish an open door meeting policy where team members can request to schedule time as needed.  Scheduling time helps avoid constant interruptions and creates a more focused agenda.  Giving timely constructive feedback will help keep your team engaged.

Opportunity for Personal and Professional Growth

We create opportunities for every team member to continue to challenge themselves to learn and grow both in their personal and professional life.  We ask them to create a list of topics they would like to learn more about in the next year at their annual review.  The doctor/manager also add topics to the list based on what they feel will benefit the team member most.  Together the team member and doctor/manager prioritize the list and agree on completion dates.  The progress is reviewed at their monthly or quarterly Checkup meeting.     


We also start a monthly book club in the practice focused on personal growth.  Everyone on the team is asked to participate in suggesting books.  Great books for team meeting discussions are the Simple Truths books at www.simpletruths.comOr my book Rise & Shine and soon my next book Ta-Dah,!  The book is discussed at the team meeting.  Lengthier books can be discussed in chapters.  There is open dialogue on the benefits and how it can be applied in the practice as well as their personal life.  Creating the opportunity to learn and grow will help to keep your team excited and engaged.


Engage your team by being open to opinions, giving timely constructive feedback and creating an opportunity to learn and grow!

Contact Judy Kay today if you would like to learn more about how she can help you get your team ENGAGED and WORKING together to build a happy healthy and high performing culture!

March 1, 2014

The Power of Affirmations!

Affirmations are powerful!  They can either set us up to succeed or to fail.  Yet very few of us consistently practice positive affirmations.  The dictionary defines affirmation as: 

  • The act or an instance of affirming; state of being affirmed
  • The assertion that something exists or is true
  • Something that is affirmed; a statement or proposition that is declared to be true. 

This month is dedicated to learning how to practice daily positive affirmations to drive our future happiness and success!    

Affirmations are like planting seeds in the ground. It takes time to go from a seed to a mature plant.  It takes consistency and time from the first declaration to the final demonstration.  You can’t just say something positive once and expect it to appear.  



Here are five steps to help you succeed at practicing daily positive affirmations and live a life you choose!

Step One – Just get over yourself!  We are so afraid we may look silly or weird if we say positive things out loud to our self.   So what if someone hears us.  We are all weird.  LOL, for me it is normal to talk to myself…as I often work alone.  The key is making sure that the conversations are always positive.   

Step Two – Start your day by defining how you want to feel or be today.  Choose words or a phrase to describe that feeling or state of being.  It could be words like happy, successful, healthy or awesome!  When I am about ready to present I think of how I want to be with my audience.  I practice words like connecting, loving, authentic and present.  Stand in front of a mirror and make eye contact with yourself. Okay, I know this seems a little weird…but it’s a good weird!  It is important to say it loud as if it already exists.  I am…  It must be I am not I want.  It is more powerful when said out loud and your mind believes it already exists because you stated I am.  For example, I am happy, I am awesome, I am going to make positive things happen today, I love my life, I love what I get to do, I am going to make good decisions today,  I like how I look today, I am going to rock it today, I am going to have an awesome day!  You can say as many things as you want.  There is no limit to positive self-talk!  

Step Three – Say it with conviction and attitude!  Just like little Jessica in the video above.  Think about the level of happiness and success you want to attract. The more energy and emotion you put into it the more you attract!  It’s the Law of Attraction in action.  Like seeks like based on the frequency of energy emitted! 

Step Four – Replay the same message over and over throughout your day.  Ask yourself; do my words and actions support those feelings or state of being.  Reset if necessary to align your words, actions and state of being.  Replaying and resetting will enable you to overcome the negative noise distractions from the world and instead focus on what you want.  

Step Five – End your day by saying out loud how you felt or state of being for the day.  I was happy today.  I was awesome today!  I made a difference today!  I made others smile today.  I helped someone today!  I changed someone’s life today by giving them a new smile!   

Contact Judy Kay today if you would like to learn more about how she can help you become a better leader, get your team to work together better and create an office culture you can’t wait to go to every day.

January 1, 2014

Performance Standards

I thought writing about performance standards was a great way to get started in 2014!  Performance standards are really to provide the team with specific performance expectations. They are the observable behaviors and actions which explain how the job is to be done and the results that are expected.  The main purpose of performance standards is to communicate clear expectations.

 The higher the standard the higher the performance!

It is just that simple…right?  Wrong!  Just because you set high standards does not mean you will get better performance.  Doctors and managers often struggle with getting the team to support the practice standards.  Yet they continue to set new and higher standards in hope that they can raise the level of performance in their practice.  Raising the level of performance is really dependent on the following principles.   Here are four principles that will help you nurture a culture of top performers!

The first principle is Leadership. 

Model the waddle you want to see.  In other words walk the walk! If leaders don’t “lead by example,” it is next to impossible to raise the level of performance. How can anyone trust a leader who says one thing, but does another?  We don’t support people we don’t trust.  People will do as you do not as you say.  Everything really does come from the top down. Set standards, don’t allow double standards; live and maintain those standards. If you want your team’s focus to be what’s in the best interests of the patients and the practice, yours must be as well. Actions always speak louder than words. If you say one thing and do another they will start to doubt and be suspicious of everything you tell them. They may lose trust that you’re doing the right thing, or that you even know what you’re doing. They will stop following your lead.  The vision you’re trying to make happen will falter when your team doesn’t trust or respect you anymore resulting in plummeting performance.

The second principle is Precise and Consistent Expectations.

A team meeting setting works best to get everyone on board. Don’t generalize be specific.  Define clearly what you want.  Go deep enough for everyone to understand the who, what, when, where, why and how behind each standard.  What does it mean in words, attitude, actions, body language, and tone of voice?  Discuss any potential obstacles and a plan of action to overcome.  Allow input from the entire team to create immediate ownership.  Once the team has agreed on a standard, title it and print it out as your Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).  A simple 3 ring binder with clear sheet protectors works awesome as an SOP Manual.

The third principle is Accountability Monitoring and Feedback.

Monitor results on a daily basis.  Your daily huddles are what I refer to as accountability meetings.  They allow the team to discuss and get feedback on what is not working or not being done in a real time basis. Utilize a white board to list any reminders that need to be addressed instead of waiting for the team meeting.  The team is responsible to review the white board prior to the huddle.  A white board will help you to communicate effectively even if you have different shifts.  If it is specific to only one or two team members list their name and who to check in with to discuss further.  Otherwise, just list it on the board for everyone.  Monthly team meetings are great to review benchmarks in terms of quality, quantity, or timeliness and give feedback of how the team and practice is doing.

The fourth principle is Commitment.

It is necessary for every team member to commit to supporting the practice standards in attitude, words and actions.  Whenever you are implementing something new or changing an existing standard, system or protocol ask each team member to verbally commit their support in front of the entire team.  (A team meeting setting works great for this as well.)  Sometimes even when you utilize the first three principles; you can’t get that one team member on board.  The reality is they have their own agenda and therefore are unwilling to commit to supporting yours.  Performance standards are based on best practices for the greater good of the patients and the practice and not any individual. If they are only willing to do what they choose and are only concerned about WIIFT it is time to have a line in the sand conversation.  If they want to be a part of the team it is necessary to support the team standards.  Otherwise, wish them well and let them join another team that may be a better fit for their standards.  Yes I know, they may be extremely good at what they do when they want to be.  In most cases they are and will use it as leverage to hold the doctor hostage.  However, if you allow one team member to not support the practice standards you sacrifice the entire teams performance!  The bottom line is that if they are not supporting they are sabotaging the practice.

Embracing these 4 principles will help you raise the level of performance in your practice!

 Contact Judy Kay today if you would like to learn more about how she can help you raise the level of performance in your practice!


August 1, 2013

the Sunny Side of Life, Part II

I teach my audiences and clients 5 Rays to help them rise above their circumstances and live life on the sunny side!

  • Entitlement Expectations
  • SPF
  • Labeling
  • Mindful Talk
  • Celebration

Hopefully your July was happier after reading last month’s news letter on Entitlement Expectations and SPF!  This month we are going to continue on with Labeling and Mindful Talk!

Ray 3 – Labeling

Words that label have tremendous impact on our attitude and how we feel. We have to be careful about how we label the relationships, events and outcomes we have in life. If we label something as bad it becomes our belief and we manifest feelings and emotions that support the label of bad. I find using the word interesting instead of bad takes away the negative power.

Our beliefs of positive and negative are based on our past experiences. If we do something and we have what we believe to be a negative outcome we will label it as negative. Yet we may have an entirely different outcome if we attempted to do it again. For example, I went on a hot air balloon ride over Napa Valley for my 50th birthday (just a few short years ago). It was serene and wonderful. I am even afraid of heights and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I would label it as a very positive experience. However the following day the winds came up unexpectedly and the balloons had a difficult time landing. I may have labeled it as negative had I gone on that day…and most likely would never consider going again. The great news is we can change our belief from negative to positive when we add new experiences that our positive.

Truthfully, how can we label something as good or bad if we don’t know the end? None of us have a crystal ball. So how do we really know if something is good or bad? There have been many things in my life that at the time seemed interesting that actually turned out generating a very positive outcome. Haven’t we all thought or said this is going to be bad at one time or another and yet it turned out to be one the best things to happen to us. 


Ray 4 – Mindful Talk

It is imperative that we are mindful of our self talk if we want to live life on the sunny side!  The majority of self talk takes place so quickly and automatically that we don’t even notice we are doing it. Even if you don’t really listen to your chatter, your subconscious mind is listening.  The subconscious mind just accepts everything you tell it, and responds accordingly. 

 Some examples of negative self-talk are:

  • Worry – Fear of what if ???
  • Perfectionism – Not good enough or should haves!
  • Self-Criticism – Compares you to others, with you being the loser.
  • Self-Doubt – Lack of confidence that you can do or achieve your dreams.
  • Being a Victim – You have no control over your circumstances, and you and your life are bad luck!

The awesome news is we can hard wire our brain to start thinking more positively!  When we have mindful talk and actively choose where to focus our thoughts and repeatedly apply it to a wholesome and constructive thought we eliminate the negative deceptive self talk!

March 1, 2013

Making Decisions that Get Results! How to Soar in 2013!

 Make Decisions that Get Results!

Decisions, decisions, decisions…what to do, when, where, why and how!  Many of us do not like moving outside our comfort zone. We like to feel safe and secure so we resist making decisions. We don’t want to look foolish or fall flat on our faces.  The older we get the more complacent we become.  The problem with complacency is it kills our passion.  It makes us play ourselves small. It clips our wings and keeps us from soaring to new heights.  The decision of whether to play it safe and hang on to what we know and just survive…or take a leap of faith and go after our dreams and try to soar!

The five fundamental phases in the decision making process are choice, assessment, conviction, determination, and result.  So let’s start with Choice because it is the starting point for all our decisions.  Just like Before we can make a decision we need to narrow down our focus to our main priority.  (I invite you to read February’s newsletter if you want to read more about focus.)  What will be your focus for 2013?  Will it be just to continue doing the same things you have always done and play it safe or will it be to take on new things to attempt to soar?  Choosing your focus will determine where you go!

The second phase is Assessment.  Assessing our strengths and where we need to grow to soar will determine when and where we need to focus.

Conviction is the third phase.  Having conviction that we can achieve our goal allows us to try new things and push ourselves to heights we have never been before. 

 Determination is the fourth phase.  If we don’t have determination we will not be be willing to put forth the effort to do the work whenever necessary to implement, maintain and sustain our goal!

The fifth and final phase is Result!  It is important to know what you want your end result to be…otherwise, how will you know when to celebrate your success! 

 It’s your decision!  How high will you soar?


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