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September 17, 2012

Good Enough!

Do you ever wonder why good enough is good enough for some and for others perfection is not even good enough!  I think there is a happy place between good enough and perfection. I invite you to listen to October’s Show Your Shine Blog to learn how you can push yourself beyond good enough and not paralyze yourself trying to attain perfection.

August 6, 2012

Fear of “What If”!

This month is dedicated to the fear of what if! Scary stuff! Those what if things we fear that get in our way. They stop us from being who we want to be and doing what want to do. We make excuses why we can’t or won’t do something. When the truth is it is our fears of what if that stop us. The more we dwell on it the bigger it seems. We can even spin ourselves into a frenzy. We have all done it at one time or another. Our fear of what if keeps us small! I invite you to read or listen to September’s Show Your Shine Newsletter/blog to learn how you can stop “What If” from stopping you! 


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