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July 1, 2013

The Sunny Side of Life

Have you ever thought, “I was in great mood until blank happened?”  When we allow blank (whatever blank is at the moment) to affect how we feel we are in essence relinquishing our power and allowing circumstances to control our emotions.  If we allow our circumstances to control our emotions we become a victim of our circumstances.  The truth is; circumstances don’t dictate how we feel we do!  It is always our choice!

Here are 5 Rays to help you rise above your circumstances and live life on the sunny side!

Entitlement Expectations
Mindful Talk

This month we will cover Entitlement Expectations and SPF!

Ray 1 – Entitlement Expectations
Here is where we often lose our positive…we judge our circumstances based on our expectations. I call this judgment “Entitlement Expectations”. What I mean by “Entitlement Expectations” is that we expect a certain relationship, event, thing, or outcome. When our expectations aren’t met we judge our life as less than and get frustrated, angry or disappointed. Haven’t we all felt; this should have happened, or I deserved this or I expected that. These are examples of “Entitlement Expectations”. To avoid “Entitlement Expectations” it is necessary to embrace the following concepts:

Life is uncertain!

Life is unexpected!

Everything is temporary!

No one owes us anything!

There is humor even in difficult situations!

Life can change in a moment!

When we embrace these concepts we learn to stop judging our circumstances as less than regardless of what they are!

Ray 2 – SPF
SPF is an acronym for “Super Positive Focus”! Yes I will confess I am an acronym addict! Regardless of what the circumstances are there is always positive somewhere even in the most negative of situations! You just need to look for it. Developing a “Super Positive Focus” means you look for and focus on the positive even in the darkest of situations. Think about all the tragedies from the storms. One huge positive was all the people helping each other to overcome and survive. You can develop your SPF by forming a habit of identifying what’s positive in every situation. Even if the only thing positive was the lesson you learned to never do it again! You grew from the experience and that is a positive!

Tune in next month to learn more ways to live a life on the sunny side!

June 1, 2013

Code of Conduct

Even the best of us can lose our way in all the noise and hubbub of the day to day stresses! Establishing a Code of Conduct for the practice will help the entire team keep on track…even in stressful situations!

A Code of Conduct is really about thinking before reacting. Behaviorally, that means testing decisions and planned activities for “rightness” before implementing them.

Here are 6 questions to help you create your own code of conduct:

  • Is it legal?
  • Does it align with my values?
  • Will I be comfortable and guilt-free if I do it?
  • Would I do it to my family and friends?
  • Would I perfectly okay with someone doing it to me?
  • Would the most ethical person I know do it?

I suggest a team meeting (3 hours minimal) to establish a Code of Conduct for the practice.  Start the meeting by reviewing the Practice’s Core Values and Vision.  Ask the entire team to share how, when and where they feel the Core Values are not being supported.  Utilize a large easel pad and markers to write down all the concerns being shared.  Discuss the breakdowns that are happening.  What current behaviors support the Core Values?  What current behaviors need changing to support the Core Values?  The behaviors you list that support as well as the necessary changes become your new Code of Conduct!

It is very important for the We Team (leadership team) to be willing to lead by example on whatever is established as the Code of Conduct.

Here are an examples of commitments from a Code of Conduct.

  • Model the waddle you want to see
  • Set and maintain high standards – no double standards
  • Support a no gossip culture
  • Communicate openly, honestly, and respectfully
  • Treat patients and each other how you want to be      treated
  • Resolve conflict by going to the source the same day if      possible
  • Take ownership, follow through, and be accountable for      your mistakes
  • Support each other and hold each other accountable to      the standards of behavior, communication, attitude and service

Having a Code of Conduct will empower the entire team to support the Core Values!

April 1, 2013

Conversation or Conflict?

The real problem is that many of us go through life trying to avoid dealing with conflict out of fear! We hope it will just go away! But the more we try to avoid it the more it builds until eventually it escalates to a point to where there is serious damage to the relationship.  Our success and joy in life depends greatly on our relationships! Life would be so much easier if conflict did not exist. But that isn’t real life!  I invite you to listen to and read this month’s newsletter to learn the 5 easy steps to turn conflict into just a conversation! 

June 22, 2012

W.O.W. Patient Philosophy

This month is dedicated to creating a W.O.W. Patient Environment Philosophy.  W.O.W. is an acronym for “weed out weeds”.  We implement wonderful amenities like warm towels, aromatics and massage chairs to entice new patients and retain existing patients but fail to see the weeds we have growing in our office.  Weeds are anything that can make our patients feel unwelcome or uncomfortable and damage a relationship.  We want to weed out the weeds and instead nurture flowers.  Flowers are what make our patients feel welcome and help our relationship to grow and flourish. Set yourself apart from your colleagues, embrace a W.O.W. Patient Philosophy and be the office patients can’t stop talking about!

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