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April 1, 2013

Conversation or Conflict?

The real problem is that many of us go through life trying to avoid dealing with conflict out of fear! We hope it will just go away! But the more we try to avoid it the more it builds until eventually it escalates to a point to where there is serious damage to the relationship.  Our success and joy in life depends greatly on our relationships! Life would be so much easier if conflict did not exist. But that isn’t real life!  I invite you to listen to and read this month’s newsletter to learn the 5 easy steps to turn conflict into just a conversation! 

March 1, 2013

Making Decisions that Get Results! How to Soar in 2013!

 Make Decisions that Get Results!

Decisions, decisions, decisions…what to do, when, where, why and how!  Many of us do not like moving outside our comfort zone. We like to feel safe and secure so we resist making decisions. We don’t want to look foolish or fall flat on our faces.  The older we get the more complacent we become.  The problem with complacency is it kills our passion.  It makes us play ourselves small. It clips our wings and keeps us from soaring to new heights.  The decision of whether to play it safe and hang on to what we know and just survive…or take a leap of faith and go after our dreams and try to soar!

The five fundamental phases in the decision making process are choice, assessment, conviction, determination, and result.  So let’s start with Choice because it is the starting point for all our decisions.  Just like Before we can make a decision we need to narrow down our focus to our main priority.  (I invite you to read February’s newsletter if you want to read more about focus.)  What will be your focus for 2013?  Will it be just to continue doing the same things you have always done and play it safe or will it be to take on new things to attempt to soar?  Choosing your focus will determine where you go!

The second phase is Assessment.  Assessing our strengths and where we need to grow to soar will determine when and where we need to focus.

Conviction is the third phase.  Having conviction that we can achieve our goal allows us to try new things and push ourselves to heights we have never been before. 

 Determination is the fourth phase.  If we don’t have determination we will not be be willing to put forth the effort to do the work whenever necessary to implement, maintain and sustain our goal!

The fifth and final phase is Result!  It is important to know what you want your end result to be…otherwise, how will you know when to celebrate your success! 

 It’s your decision!  How high will you soar?


January 1, 2013

Ownership Mentality

We may want to blame our life results on our circumstances or other people.  The truth is that our results are OUR RESULTS!  We OWN them…because what we believe determines our actions and our action or inaction generates our outcome or results!  Adopting an ownership mentality for our results will compel us to see more clearly.   When we see clearly we see what can be done to change our outcome!  Learn how to adopt an ownership mentality and get the results you want to own!

September 17, 2012

Good Enough!

Do you ever wonder why good enough is good enough for some and for others perfection is not even good enough!  I think there is a happy place between good enough and perfection. I invite you to listen to October’s Show Your Shine Blog to learn how you can push yourself beyond good enough and not paralyze yourself trying to attain perfection.

August 6, 2012

Fear of “What If”!

This month is dedicated to the fear of what if! Scary stuff! Those what if things we fear that get in our way. They stop us from being who we want to be and doing what want to do. We make excuses why we can’t or won’t do something. When the truth is it is our fears of what if that stop us. The more we dwell on it the bigger it seems. We can even spin ourselves into a frenzy. We have all done it at one time or another. Our fear of what if keeps us small! I invite you to read or listen to September’s Show Your Shine Newsletter/blog to learn how you can stop “What If” from stopping you! 


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