April 1, 2023
5 Essentials to Embrace Change Successfully!
You may have heard the quote; “The only thing that is constant is change!” It is true, change is inevitable but not always positive or successful! The reality is that some work cultures support positive change, while other cultures sabotage change. There are many factors involved, such as team workload, other current changes in progress, team beliefs about change, clear communication about the change, benefits of the change, appropriate training, coaching and support provided during the change, etc.
I have the privilege of helping dental teams nationwide create a happier, healthier and higher performing culture that they will enjoy coming to everyday. This always involves making changes. I often observe team members roll their eyes and let out deep sighs of frustration when they hear there is another change heading their way. They stress and worry about how it will affect them and how long it will last. This article is dedicated to learning how to rise above the pain of change and make it a positive process.
Change for many of us is often scary. The fear of change comes when we start the assumptions of “what if” thoughts! How many times have you been afraid to make a change because of saying to yourself, “But what if this happens”? You just “what if’d” yourself right out of action. Think about this. It’s a biggy! How many times has fear stopped you? The ironic part is that fear is really only a negative prediction of the future. In most cases, what we worry about doesn’t happen. What actually happened, we didn’t even think about or worry about, and yet we still survived. Its proof that worry is a total waste of energy and time. If we can learn to evaluate the real danger, as opposed to the perception of danger (what if), we will get a more realistic viewpoint and we will be less afraid to make the change. Imagine how much happier you would be right this second if the fear of “what if” had no impact on your decisions. What would you do or change? What would your life look like right now?
Change requires us to have courage to face our fear of “what if” in unpredictable and unknown! Regardless of how dysfunctional, unhappy, unproductive or toxic the current culture may be it often feels safer to keep the status quo. The known almost always feels safer than the unknown. That is why it is imperative that the value of the change be clear to those asked to make the change. It is essential that the value and benefits of change rate an 8 or above on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being high. Otherwise, the chance for the change to be positive and sustainable is limited.
I have found 5 essentials to help dental teams rise above their fears and embrace change as a positive process.
- Trust in leadership
- Clear and consistent direction
- Structured plan
- Adequate training and practice time
- Realistic workload
The number one essential necessary to embrace change is trust in the leadership. If the team members trust their leader(s) they will be more willing to step into the unpredictable and unknown. Leaders can build trust by embodying the following traits:
- Model the waddle is the number one leadership principle – in other words lead by example
- Have a clear and consistent direction
- Be transparent by communicating to keep the team in the loop as much as possible
- Be open to suggestions and feedback
- Address any obstacles, fears or concerns the team may have about the change
The second essential is to communicate a clear and consistent direction. It is important to use a decision strategy to avoid fly-bys and emotion driven decisions in the heat of the moment. I teach the following four strategic steps:
- What’s in the best interests of the patients, practice and the team – not any individual and long term
- Think about 10 months and 10 years instead of next 10 minutes or 10 days
- What is practical and realistic based on time, people and money currently available
- What is the precedent being set
- Is it fair, if we can’t do it across the board for everyone on the team it will feel like favoritism and divide the team
- What is the level of passion we are willing to support the decision
- Will we support it when push comes to shove even if it may result in losing an employee or a patient
Set your team up to succeed by communicating the change clearly and concisely. I suggest the following communication process:
- Clarify expectations
- Ask questions to make sure everyone understands
- Write objective down in bullet points if more than a couple of things
- Identify equipment and supplies necessary
- Schedule adequate training and practice time
- Set realistic expectations for completion time and date
- For more involved longer tasks schedule a check in
The third essential is for leadership to work with the team to develop a well-structured plan. If you want the team to embrace a change, ask for their suggestions and feedback on how to implement the change. If you want the team to have ownership, give them authorship as well. A well-structured plan is well thought out and clearly defined. I teach teams the R.I.S.E. Implementation Process to help them work together to create a well-structured plan. R.I.S.E. is an acronym for Review, Implement, Sustain and Evaluate.
- Review
- What is it we are currently doing
- What is working and what is not
- Keep what is let go of what is not
- WIIFTT – What’s in it for the team if we make the change
- It is important for the value/benefits to rate an 8 or above on scale of 1 to 10 or it is difficult to sustain
- Implement
- What are we going to change
- Who is going to do it
- Who are we going to do it for
- When are we going to do it – including time, sequence and flow
- Where are we going do it – very specific location
- Why are we going to do it
- WIIFTT if we make the change – there must always be something in it for the team for the team to sustain the change
- How are we going do it
- Practice verbal skills
- Practice role playing – yes, I know it’s awkward and it’s effective
- Practice the entire physical walk through – never test it out for the first time on a patient
- Create standard operating procedures
- Schedule the roll out date
- Sustain
- In order to sustain it is important for the new change to become a habit
- It takes a range of anywhere between 17 to 257 days to form a habit depending on the difficulty with the average being 66 days
- Give any new change at least 60 days to get comfortable before considering any changes
- Be precise and consistent to form a habit much sooner
- Same sequence and steps for every team member every time
- Support the change positively in words, actions and attitude
- Evaluate
- Is the process still working effectively
- If not, what is the value and benefits in a change
- Any change takes ongoing tweaking
The fourth essential is to schedule appropriate and adequate training and practice time. I have found that the most positive and successful changes happen when the team has time to train and practice.
For new team members have clearly written weekly goals for the first 3 months. Review the progress with the new team member weekly. From 3 months to 1 year change to clear written monthly goals and review monthly. Having clear written goals helps manage the expectations for the new team member as well as existing team.
For existing team members, meetings are the perfect opportunity for training and practice time. Utilize your team meetings to:
- Review and update systems and protocols
- Implement new ideas
- Monitor process of yearly goals
- Practice, practice, practice
- Verbal skills, role playing and physical walk through
Team meetings are most effective when you:
- Schedule often enough
- Schedule time enough
- Schedule when most can attend
- Get feedback from the entire team
- Encourage solution focused suggestions on how to overcome potential obstacles
The fifth essential is to be realistic with the workload. It will be very difficult to get the team excited about embracing something new if they are already swamped and consistently running behind. It is important to evaluate whether there is adequate time, money, and people to successfully implement the change. Don’t firehose your employees with changes. Implement only one or two new changes at a time. Even the most committed employees will become resistant to change if they are consistently overwhelmed.
Cultivating a culture with these 5 essentials will help you rise above the pain of change and make it a positive process.
March 1, 2023
How to Have Difficult Conversations – Approacher-Approahcee
There are hundreds of moving parts in the day-to-day activities of a dental practice. Stuff happens even in the most successful practices. It is vital that the entire team is empowered to discuss and resolve issues. However, the fear of confrontation and conflict can often prevent many team members from having necessary difficult conversations. Avoiding the short-term discomfort of having difficult conversations often causes long term dysfunction. When we don’t address issues as they happen, they will spiral out of control. We have all experienced something little grow into something big.
It’s time to have the difficult conversations to sustain a happier, healthier, and higher performing service culture. The conversation includes two roles. The Approacher(s) and Approachee(s). The Approacher(s) is the person conveying and inquiring and the Approachee it the person receiving and responding.
The Approacher’s Role
A difficult conversation is always in private and starts with positive communication from the Approacher. The Approacher shares what they appreciate about the other person. They build up instead of tear down by focusing on the other person’s strengths. A positive conversation has a minimum of a three to one ratio. Three positives for every one growth opportunity. Research shows that exceptional relationships have a five to one ratio. You may be thinking; what if I can’t find 5 positives. Every person has a least 5 strengths you can highlight! We will discover their strengths when we shift our focus from their weaknesses to their strengths. How ironic that our strengths are just taken for granted and minimized whereas our weaknesses are highlighted.
Be specific instead of generalizing. Focus more on objective points than subjective opinions. Just saying “I don’t like it or you’re doing this wrong” is not helpful. On the other hand, stating the specific strengths or skills you would like to see developed is helpful.
Don’t make it personal. Talk about issue not the person. Avoid saying, “you need to”. Start the conversation with the word I instead of saying you. For example, “I noticed,” “I have seen,” “I observed,” or when sharing feedback from others, “I have had reported to me.” “I” conversations are issue-focused instead of person-focused. Always consider how your words may impact the other person. Ask yourself; how can I say what I need to say and be respectful of how they may feel.
Keep your energy neutral and come with a mindset of care, curiosity, and concern instead of judgment and criticism. Never have a conversation when you are angry or frustrated or your emotions will rule the conversation. Instead take a few minutes to process and get calm. Start out by making eye contact with the other person. Be mindful of tone and body language as well as words. A tone of care and concern communicates a sense of importance and provides the appropriate level of sincerity to the conversation. Avoid using sarcasm or derogatory words or the content of the conversation will get lost in the harshness. Once you say something it cannot be taken back. An apology doesn’t mean we forget. The old nursery rhyme that goes sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me, is not true. Words can destroy even the best of relationships.
Break your feedback down into key points. Don’t give your feedback as one big lump. Break it down into various key points, then give your feedback point by point.
Give examples of each point. What are the exact issues, situations, or examples where the person exhibits the behaviors you highlighted? There is no need to highlight every single one. – just disclosing a couple of examples per point will be sufficient. The purpose is to bring the person’s awareness to things which he/she may not be aware of and clearly illustrate what you mean.
Be timely! Try to address issues/concerns as they happen or within 24 hours of the occurrence. I have actually seen employers make a list of everything an employee has done wrong or needs to improve on for the year and go over it at their annual review. It reminds me of Santa Claus’s naughty list! It’s no wonder why reviews get a bad rap!
Ask the other person what they need from you (communication, support, training, practice) to be able to achieve the desired results. Together discuss and agree on a resolution.
The Approachee’s Role
The aproachee is to start out by just listening and not taking offense. The team must be able to talk about what’s not working to resolve issues. It is important to recognize that the approacher’s intent is good and to realize that it is not easy to approach someone.
Listen intently before responding. Make eye contact with the other person. Instead of defending, deflecting, or blaming someone else consider how your actions or lack of actions affected the outcome. Be honest with your response.
Acknowledge you heard and understand them. Never assume. If you are unsure ask questions until you clearly understand. If you are thinking I think they mean this…ask more questions.
Don’t take it personal. If the issue pertains to the patients, the practice, or the team it is necessary to address. It can be difficult to hear when we are not meeting the standards or expectations. However, it is necessary to address to create and sustain a happier, healthier and higher performing culture.
Take it seriously. It may not seem important or be a priority to you, but it is for the other person.
Control your emotions. If you are upset don’t just walk off in anger or frustration. Instead, let them know that you need a little time to process the information they shared, and you will respond later that day. Try respond within 24 hours.
If you are on the receiving end of anger or frustration, ask the person if they are okay. This is their cue to reset their energy to calm and neutral. A response of frustration, sigh or rolling of the eyes, may actually be inward focused and yet can feel directed outward. If you are feeling attacked or uncomfortable let them know. For example, you seem frustrated or angry is that directed towards me.
Share what you need (communication, support, training, practice) to be able achieve the desired results. Together discuss and agree on a solution and make a commitment.
Have the difficult conversations to sustain a happier, healthier, and higher performing service culture!
February 1, 2023
5 Minute Positive & Productive Morning Huddle!
December 1, 2022
Me Destroys We!
I have the privilege of working with dental teams nationwide through my teambuilding Culture Camps! They are customized to meet the unique and specific needs of the practice and vary greatly in each office. However, every Culture Camp starts with a meeting on the first night with the leadership team. I start with them because everything begins and ends with their leadership. It’s what leaders do, allow, or accept that cultivates the culture. If the leadership team is not aligned and cohesive it will be difficult to get the team aligned and cohesive.
I spend the first evening getting to know and building a relationship with the leadership team. We discuss their goals and obstacles with the practice, team, and each other. I refer to the leadership team as the “we team”! I call them the “we team” because leaders need to think as we instead of as me. We thinking” cultivates alignment and cohesion. When leaders are aligned and cohesive, they communicate and work together better which produces a happier, healthier, and higher performing practice culture.
One of the pitfalls I observe especially in high producing practices is discord amongst the leadership team. Often the more successful a practice is the more strife there seems to be between the leadership team. Success often inflames egos. It is dangerous when we allow success to go to our head. When it does, our ego takes over and we feel entitled. Entitlement changes our mindset from we to me. “Me destroys we!”
Me creates an exaggerated pride, overwhelming self-confidence, and contempt for others. Taken to extreme it can become the acquired personality disorder “hubris syndrome.” Scientific research defines it as a “disorder of the possession of power, particularly power which has been associated with overwhelming success, held for a period of years.”
There is a difference between a healthy ego and an unhealthy one. Healthy egos are good and needed to succeed. When meeting and assessing the leadership team, I look for signs of an unhealthy ego that may undermine alignment, cohesiveness, and even greater success.
Here are some of the most common sabotaging beliefs. Consider your own thinking and see if you might need to readjust your viewpoint.
- I am the owner doctor, and I can do what I want.
- I am entitled to do what I want because I am the biggest producer.
- I only support my decisions because I have the most knowledge.
- I can never show when I am unsure or don’t know the answer or it will make me look stupid.
- I can’t admit to mistakes, or it will make me look weak.
- I will deflect and criticize others when I am challenged to not lose face.
An unhealthy ego narrows our perception and corrupts our behavior, often causing us to act against our core values. When we believe we’re are the only one responsible for our success, we tend to be disrespectful, selfish, and unkind. After all, we don’t need anyone else, and others are replaceable! This is especially true in challenging situations. An unhealthy ego is like a wall that stops us from learning from our failures. Our past success left unchecked can sabotage our future success!
An unhealthy ego looks for information that confirms what it wants to believe. It makes us believe we are always right. We only see and hear things our way. We become susceptible like the emperor in the folktale The Emperor’s New Clothes!”
The result, we alienate the people we lead, the culture, and ultimately the patients. I love the quote “Ego is a three-letter word that can destroy a big twelve-letter word called Relationship!” We have all heard about great bands who had amazing success only to break up because of unhealthy egos. They became a me instead of a “We”. Their ego created me entitlement. Me entitlement ended their relationship and sabotaged their future success as a band!
Healthy egos are good and needed to succeed. A healthy ego is confident and decisive. Yet, they know that there is more than just one way. They know they aren’t always right. They encourage open dialogue and are open to feedback. They will support what is in the best interests of the practice, patients, and team (also referring doctors if they are a specialty practice).
Behaviors of a healthy leadership ego are:
- They are determined to make a difference.
- They know their why (sense of purpose).
- They are self-confident and secure.
- They are aware of their weaknesses and are comfortable in their skin.
- They reflect instead of deflect.
- They are approachable, open, and honest.
- They keep things in perspective.
- They admit when they are wrong.
- They allow themselves to be vulnerable.
- They are genuine and don’t pretend to be something they are not.
- They are tolerant of people who have different views.
- They are willing to listen and accept feedback.
- They empower others to step up.
No one is perfect, and our ego will get the best of us at times. Being open to feedback from our co-leaders, team members, and using a coach who can observe and advise are great ways to become a more aligned and cohesive “We”!
August 1, 2022
Three Reasons Why Incentives Don’t Motivate or Change Behavior!
Do incentives work? This is the question that I am consistently asked. I have seen many different incentive strategies with little to no positive outcome. It is disheartening when dentists tell me they gave their team money, gifts, or trips and didn’t receive even a simple thank you. Yet when I talk to the team, they say they are very appreciative and yet confused. They are not sure if it is a reward or an incentive with expectations to change something. An open conversation will go a long way in creating clarity as well as create an opportunity to express appreciation.
There is a vast difference between an incentive and a reward. Incentives have attached expectations to motivate and improve behavior or performance. An incentive is in essence an enticement to change something. A reward is simply a thank you for past performance without any strings attached. Incentives have future expectations attached to them and rewards do not.
Dentists and managers don’t often determine if they are offering and incentive or a reward. They give to the team with little or no explanation. Therefore, the team is unsure as well. What is the motivation for giving the incentive? Knowing whether it is an incentive, or a reward will make a big difference on your expectations and how you perceive your team’s response.
I have had the privilege of working with dental teams since the early 80’s first as a manager and now as a culture coach. I have yet to see where incentives have created any long-term change. The sad truth is that incentives don’t generate sustained motivation or changes in behavior. Any expectation of an incentive increasing and sustaining motivation and performance will disappoint.
The assumption that incentives work is prevalent, but growing evidence supports the opposite. According to numerous studies in workplaces, classrooms, and other settings, rewards typically undermine the very processes they are intended to enhance.
So back to the question…do incentives work? The answer depends on what we mean by “work.” Research suggests that incentives succeed at only temporary compliance. When it comes to producing lasting change in attitudes and behavior, however, incentives, like punishment, are ineffective. “Incentives are like throwing sticky balls at a wall and hoping they will stick.”
Here are three reasons why incentives don’t work.
1 – The first time you give something it is a surprise and greatly appreciated. However, it is human nature that once we receive something we expect it again.
2 – Incentives can feel like a manipulation similar to punishment. “Do this and you get that! or do this or this will happen!” In the case of incentives, the gift may be highly desired; but by making it conditional on certain behaviors, the team will feel manipulated. That experience of being manipulated is likely to feel very similar to punishment.
Many of us have received conditional love. Conditional meaning that another person’s love for you, is contingent on certain actions, or things. Do you remember how you felt? It can feel manipulative, controlling and at times even abusive.
3 – Incentives can cause people to focus on the numbers instead of what’s best for the patient. It could even lead to unethical behavior such as unnecessary treatment.
We will be disappointed if we expect incentives to fix problems. Money, gifts, and trips don’t fix problems. It is important to understand the underlying causes and address the specific concerns.
So, what does work? Cultivate a happy, healthy, and high performing culture. Where the number one core value is that the entire team (including doctors) treats each other as well as they treat the patients. A happy, healthy, and high performing culture empowers:
- Clear core values and consistent leadership
- Opportunity to grow and learn
- Value and appreciation towards each other
- Trust and respect with coworkers and patients
- Open communication and feedback
- Recognition and respect for teamwork
- Positive attitudes
- Ongoing team building strategies
- A consistent structured training program
- A competitive compensation package
It will take commitment from the leadership team to maintain the culture. They are the ones who determine who will be a part of the culture. Anyone whose attitude and behavior does not support the culture values will not be invited to continue to be a part of the culture.
Implement the standards to cultivate a happy, healthy, and high performing culture. You will nurture meaningful relationships and positive lasting change. You won’t need incentives. The money, gifts, or trips you give will truly be a thank you reward with no strings attached!
June 1, 2022
Co-leadership! How to lead Successfully!
What is co-leadership? Co-leadership is two or more people in charge of a team or group. They share ownership of the goals of their team but divide the roles and responsibilities. Co-leadership has many benefits when utilized correctly. The downside is the more leaders the more complex it becomes.
Co-leadership in a dental office may include doctors, practice administrator, team leads or any team member in a leadership position depending on the size of the practice.
Everything begins and ends with leadership. It is what leaders do, don’t do, or allow in their culture that defines the practice culture. The more leaders the more difficult it becomes to create and sustain a consistent message. Here are 5 principles to build an aligned and cohesive co-leadership team.
The first co-leadership principle – It is necessary to have an aligned vision for the future of the practice/company. I start the process by having the owner doctors choose 4 core value words and place them in order of priority. All future decisions are based on supporting those values. Everyone on the leadership team must live and lead those core values in words, actions, and attitudes. Apply these core values when making decisions by using the following questions.
- What’s in the best interests of the patients, practice, and team that supports our core values? (Specialists also add referring doctors) It can never just benefit one individual.
- Is it practical based on time, money, and people that will still support the core values?
- Does the precedent we are setting support our core values?
- How passionate are we to implement change? It must be a value of 8 or above on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being high.
The breakdown happens when a leader decides to opt out of something they don’t agree with entirely. It can never be 100% our way unless we work by ourselves. It is healthy for leaders to discuss and debate behind closed doors. However, they must come to an agreement and support that agreement in front of the team. There will be times leaders need to support decisions even without consensus. I often hear, “I am the doctor, I can do what I want!” Yes, you can but not without consequences. If leaders do not support each other, they will create division in the team and the leadership team. Division leads to confusion, gossip, clicks and lack of accountability. The team will choose the path of least resistance. The bottom line is that when you have a co-leader you no longer have autonomy to make decisions. On a side note, doctors supporting your practice administrator doesn’t mean saying do whatever you want. It means being involved in the decision and solution process. Practice Administrators you will become very frustrated and overwhelmed if you want more for the practice than the owner doctors. Which is why it is so important that you are aligned with the owner doctors’ vision for the practice.
The second co-leadership principle – It is important to place people in the leadership role that shines the light on their strengths and dims their weakness. No one is perfect. We all have strengths as well as weaknesses. We are only as strong as our weakest link. Any weakness in your co-leaders will be a reflection on the entire leadership team. Define the specific tasks for each role. Leaders are responsible for the individual tasks of their role. Each task must be owned by that one person to create accountability. The more people responsible for the same task the less accountability due to assuming the other person is doing the task. Some leaders find it difficult to let go and to not be involved in all tasks. We must trust our co-leader to be accountable. Be open to renegotiating your roles based on changing circumstances, growth, and ambitions.
The third co-leadership principle – Owner doctors and practice administrator(s) must make time to meet on a weekly basis. (I refer to these specific leadership team members as the We Team) This allows for real time conversations to discuss and come to a resolution as a leadership team. All decisions must be discussed at this meeting before implementing except for direct patient care. Document discussion and agreements and save in a meeting journal. Review last week’s meeting notes and confirm if all assigned tasks have been completed. The meeting will create accountability as well as keep everyone in the loop. Schedule the weekly meeting the same time and day of each week. The time is reserved and is to be considered sacred. I can hear all the excuses already. However, it is necessary to commit to a weekly meeting if you want to co-lead successfully to build and sustain a high performing practice. It’s time to put your ownership hat on. Once you make it a priority it will happen. If you don’t meet at least weekly, you will be spending extra time putting out unnecessary fires and fueling disorder, stress, and discord.
The fourth co-leadership principle – Is don’t break the chain of communication. Here is a simple flow for chain of communication both up and down. Please email me at judykay@practicesolutionsinc.net for a multi-location practice communication flow chart.
Owner Doctors
Practice Administrator
Team Leads and Associate Doctors
The practice administrator has a weekly meeting with all team leads where they share the outcome of their We Team meeting. Team leads are to bring any questions, suggestions, or concerns they have, or their team has for discussion and feedback at this meeting. The practice administrator will take this information to the We Team meeting to discuss and come to a resolution. Then back to the next lead team meeting for implementation. I know this slows things down. However, the end results are an informed, aligned, and cohesive team.
The fifth co-leadership principle – Expect disagreements and differences of opinions. What many people refer to as conflict. If you never disagree chances are someone is not being honest with their opinion. Let go of ego. It’s not about you and what you want. Have a mindset of care and curiosity not judgment and criticism. We will need to make concessions at times to move forward.
- Utilize the questions in the first co-leadership principle to come to a decision that supports the core values.
- Start with what you can agree on and build from there.
- Define the end result.
- Discuss in specifics instead of concepts.
- Come to an agreement and write it down.
- Support the agreement in words, actions, and attitude.
Implementing the five co-leadership principles will help you build an aligned and cohesive team!
February 1, 2022
Control, Alt, Delete! Reset, Reset, Reset!!!
Control, Alt, Delete! Reset, Reset, Reset!!! 10 Creator Thoughts to Help You Reset!
2022 isn’t starting out quite like I imagined or planned! Reset time! So many things are up in the air. Literally like flying for example. I fly almost every week for work. I can tell you that it has been a challenging task. Lack of plane and or crew or nasty weather often leads to a delayed or canceled flight. Once I arrive there is the potential of attendance concerns due to the pandemic. It often feels like playing Russian Roulette.
Many of my clients are struggling as well with staffing shortages and last-minute patient cancels or fails due to illness. Everyday is a new challenge. Maybe you find yourself in the same boat.
We have two choices. We can reset by taking on the current situation and making the best of it. Or we can get angry, worry, and judge what should or shoudn’t have happened. Some of us live in a state of fear and judgement of “what if” waiting for the next shoe to drop.
We become the creator of our world when we take on the challenges. We become the victim of our world when we stew and worry. Creators are constantly resetting! Something unplanned or uncertain will happen. Stop the spinning out of control thoughts of this should or shouldn’t have happened. Instead change your internal dialogue with a reset transition thought. So, this happened…now what is the next step I want to take?
- Triage the situation with your team or if alone by yourself.
- Identify what needs to get done, what can be let go.
- Who else can assist?
- What resources can I utilize?
- Then do your best.
Life will continue to be filled with unplanned stuff! Here are 10 creator thoughts to help you reset.
- Start your day on a positive note. Plan how you want to feel today and not what has to happen today to make it a good day.
- People will come and go in our life. Some relationships are only meant to last a certain amount of time.
- People’s actions and reactions are often heightened with all the uncertainty. Don’t take things personally.
- Challenges force us to grow. Look for the learning opportunity in every obstacle.
- Sit, stop, and become still. Breathe deep and become calm. How we feel inside will change how we feel about what’s happening on the outside.
- Our energy is contagious. Be mindful of the energy we radiate.
- Be proactive instead of reactive. Take the necessary steps to set up to succeed.
- Treat people based on the person you want to be. Don’t let negative behavior of others drive your actions.
- Have hope for the future. This too shall pass.
- End your day in gratitude. Celebrate the positives by giving thanks and praise.
Life will be filled with unplanned challenges. The ability to reset will define our level of success.
September 1, 2021
Staff Shortage!!! 5 Steps to Help You Survive the Staff Shortage.
Yes, I know the term team is more uniting and empowering than the word staff. Also, that staff is an infection. However, I like the alliteration of short staffed versus short teamed or team shortage.
Times have changed and nearly everyone faces sporadic or chronic staffing challenges. Stop and take a moment and breathe deep! You will survive this challenge and be even better after!
Start by writing an ad that is enticing and specific to attract that new superstar team member! Together as a team define specific skills and traits desired for the position. Please email me at JudyKay@PracticeSolutonsInc.net if you would like to receive a sample ad.
Here are 5 steps to help you survive the shortage until you hire your new superstar!
Communicate – Take time to communicate as a team. Notice I used the term team now as no need for alliteration. Together define specific tasks that were being done by the employee or employees who are gone. Make a list of the specific tasks that need to be done instead of panicking. Avoid generalization of tasks as the more specific the easier the solution.
Prioritize – Triage the list of tasks. What must be done? What can be delayed? What can be let go? I like to utilize Rocks, Pebbles and Sand to prioritize.
- Rocks – Important and Urgent – Rocks must be done that day or consequences
- Pebbles – Important and Not Urgent – Pebbles can be done another day without consequences. However, if delayed long enough a Pebble can turn into a Rock.
- Sand – Not Important and Not Urgent – Sand is the filler like cleaning and organizing and can be delayed the longest.
Utilize Human Resources – Your human resources are your entire team. So often we compartmentalize the team into departments. We lessen our resources when we compartmentalize. Instead, be creative when discussing who could do specific tasks. Take time to cross train whenever possible. A highly cross trained team is much more flexible and beneficial! My favorite job description is:
“My job from the moment I check in to the moment I check out is whatever is legal, ethical, and within my licensure to help the patients, practice, and team thrive!”
Also consider which tasks could be done virtually. There are many platforms available.
Utilize Technology – Learn your technology in your practice. Invest the time now and you will become more efficient and effective. I work with practices nationwide and very few fully maximize their technology. Schedule a call with your practice software trainer asap. Review your lists of tasks to learn what tasks could possibly be automated. For example, billing, confirming appointments, contacting recare etc. There is often so much more we can do with the existing technology in our practice.
Look into additional technology that would allow you to automate in the clinical area. For example, Voiceworks Software allows hygienists to be autonomous with probing as well as more effective and efficient. Check out the video on voice-controlled charting. The link is https://oralscience.com/en/products/voiceworks/
Schedule – Review the schedule with your team based on current staffing available. Many of you have new team members that will take time to train. Do you need more time for procedures? Do you need to change what is scheduled in conjunctive columns? You may even need to temporarily suspend scheduling a column. FEAR ALERT!!! I know you are concerned about overhead and the bottom line etc. However, if you consistently overwhelm and over burden your current old and new team members they may leave as well. Or worse yet…they will stay and become burned out and disengaged.
Review the past two weeks schedule with your team. Where were the bottlenecks and stress points? What shows up consistently? Adress the consistent problem areas by adjusting the schedule to accommodate them based on current team, training, and skills.
Implement these 5 steps and you will not only survive you will thrive!
July 1, 2021
Culture Is Like a Puzzle!
When I think about culture, I think of it as a puzzle. The framework of the puzzle is created by the owner dentist(s). They design it using their vision, core values, type of service and treatment they desire to deliver. The team are the pieces that together make up the body of the puzzle.
I have observed an increase in the team turnover this past year due to the pandemic and other reasons. It is important to hire the right team member for the right spot to be a good fit. Otherwise, the result is problems and team turnover. As a team identify the character traits and skill sets that are needed in the new team member to succeed at their role and integrate with the existing team.
The existing team is responsible to learn how to successfully work with the new team member. It is imperative that the existing team members take the time to get to know and train the new team member. I understand that training can seem like an added burden to the existing workload. However, the more welcoming and supportive the training the sooner the new team member will be able to take on tasks. Some new team members are quick learners and instantly work well with the existing team. They are like puzzle pieces that fit together. Others take more time and effort.
Set realistic training expectations for each position in the office. Base the expectations on the average learning cycle. I have found the tell them, show them, have them show you training process is very effective. Create weekly goals for the first month and monthly goals for the second and third month. Assign a mentor to meet with the new team member on a weekly basis for the first 3 months to review and celebrate successes as well as discuss goals for the following week or month. It is imperative that the mentor is supportive and understanding. Training expectations will lessen feeling overwhelmed and clarify goals for the entire team.
It is the responsibility of the team (new and existing) not the doctor or manager to recognize what they need to do to create a cohesive puzzle.
Often multiple new team members are joining the practice resulting in multiple changes to the puzzle. This becomes even more a challenge. So how do we make all the new pieces fit together? Find opportunities for the team to communicate openly day-to-day. Get aligned by clarifying the following:
- What are the expectations from the new team members
- What are the expectations from the existing team members
For example, existing team members, just because you have always done it a certain way does not mean you don’t need to be open to new ideas. New team members don’t try to change everything right away just because you did it differently at your old office. The comment, this is how we did it at my other office, quickly gets old and is not appreciated. New team members immerse yourself in the practice culture to understand what they do and why. Wait to bring up any suggestions until after the first 90 days. This will help eliminate chafing between new and existing team members.
Implementing this puzzle analogy will help create a happier, healthier, and higher performing culture.
June 1, 2021
My Way or The Highway!
Our success in life depends greatly on our relationships in life! Our relationships are the result of how well we communicate and collaborate in our personal and our professional lives. When we communicate openly, positively, and effectively we inspire connections and build sincere, strong, sustaining relationships. Our ceiling of success then becomes like the old expression, “Sky’s the limit”.
What often gets in the way and sabotages successful relationships is our personal beliefs of right and wrong.
Most of our beliefs can be traced back to our early years. I’m the youngest of seven and am blessed with a great family. I grew up on a farm in North Dakota. My past experiences will differ greatly from those who were not raised in the same environment. Our expectations of right and wrong will vary and may even conflict based on our past experiences.
When we interact with others, we are always coming from a place filled with our own experiences. Our expectations differ because of our unique and individual beliefs, opinions, and assumptions based on our experiences. These expectations become our personal truths upon which we base judgments of right and wrong. To help you remember the concept, see the first letters of each word; it spells out the word B.O.A.T. Beliefs, Opinions, Assumptions, therefore, are Truths based on our experiences.
We all have unique and individual experiences, yet we expect each other to think, act, and respond the same. These are some false expectations that can get us into trouble.
- Others must behave in the same manner as we do, or their behavior is wrong.
- Another person’s behavior must mean the same as ours if we did that same behavior.
- We get in a disagreement because others disagree with our opinion (after all we are right and want it our way)!
These are examples of expectations based on personal truths. Once we understand that our personal truths (how we judge the world by what is right and wrong) are based on the unique and individual experiences we have, we can no longer believe that our answer is the only right answer.
Our personal truths dictate our right! We may be right based on the current extent of our experiences. However, there is a whole big universe out there filled with experiences we have yet to meet. Right and wrong are really arbitrary. The more knowledge and understanding we have the more we will realize how ambiguous right and wrong become. In our current state of affairs, it is very difficult to really know what is true or a manipulation of the truth. When we continue to explore, we will find there is always more than one right way.
I used to love listening to Paul Harvey’s The Rest of the Story. The Rest of the Story was a Monday-through-Friday radio program originally hosted by Paul Harvey. The Rest of the Story consisted of stories presented as little-known or forgotten facts on a variety of subjects with some key element of the story (usually the name of some well-known person) held back until the end. The broadcasts always concluded with a variation on the tag line “And now you know the rest of the story.”
Be open to the more of the story instead of stubbornly attaching to your beliefs. Avoid making assumptions and filling in the gap based on your B.O.A.T.! Ask questions until you uncover and understand the root of the belief, the why behind the story. Here are some good questions to ask when you are in disagreement.
- Where did you learn this belief?
- Tell me why you believe this to be right?
- Tell me why you feel so strongly about this?
More importantly, do a little soul searching first to understand your beliefs before you question other’s beliefs. Here are triggering questions to ask yourself to uncover your why.
- Where did I learn this belief?
- Is this belief based on truth or illusion?
- How important is this belief?
- How this belief affecting me?
- Do I still need this belief (how relevant is it now)?
Let go of thinking I have to, you must, they should, and it has to be! These are the words we use to judge others. When we think we know more or better than someone else we are setting ourselves up for a clash of beliefs. We become too attached to our own point of view and that others must share it. Once we become too attached to an idea we lose respect both for ourselves and others. Sometimes a belief can even become more important than the other people. It is the root of extremism and fanatics.
The world is filled with different beliefs and different ways. Who says we all have to always agree. More importantly we need to respect each other and work together for the better of all mankind. I love what my big sis Lorraine taught me years ago. It is okay to agree to disagree. We can stick to our right or we can be open to infinite possibilities!