Why Judy Kay?

People who’ve worked with Judy Kay use words like exceptional, inspirational, knowledgeable, and real to describe her style. Whether she’s speaking or coaching, Judy Kay always brings a positive light to those she works with, spreading the message of the TA-DAH Philosophy and utilizing the R.I.S.E. Implementation Process to help others to achieve meaningful and significant results.
The TA-DAH philosophy is about harnessing the power of passion, joy and celebration to reduce stress, increase happiness and improve performance!
Judy Kay can show you how to take these steps to bridge the gap in practice culture, patient experience and practice productivity! Growing and sustaining a successful practice is about more than just numbers; it’s about building a happy, healthy and high performing culture with meaningful relationships to make positive and lasting changes.
What is the R.I.S.E. Implementation Process?
R.I.S.E. is essentially an acronym for Review, Implement, Sustain, and Evaluate. But the bottom line is that it is an implementation philosophy to empower the entire team to R.I.S.E. to success!
- R Review Keep what’s working and change what isn’t.
- I Implement Be clear on what to implement and HOW.
- S Sustain Maintain positive changes, make them into habits.
E Evaluate Regularly ask how things are going, whether
actions are working, and what needs to change.
"Today is a great day to Rise and Shine!" ~ Judy Kay Mausolf
At its core, dentistry is about relationships, and Judy Kay is an expert in the relationship side of dentistry.
Contact Judy Kay to learn how she can help you build the practice culture you desire!